Feedback & Photo Opportunity
Orange County Museum of Art
For the USC graduate seminar Curatorial Practice in the Public Realm, Carol Stakenas and I had our students visit exhibitions at both Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE) and Orange County Museum of Art (OCMA). They engaged in extensive analysis of the site conditions, did audience reception research then conceived two projects with the goals to encourage visitor engagement within two exhibitions.
For 15 Minutes of Fame: Photographic Portraits from Ansel Adams to Andy Warhol students helped to conceptualize Photo Op an interactive “photo-booth” within the exhibition in which visitors could dress up in various accessories, take a photo of themselves, then mount it on the gallery walls to have their own “15 minutes of fame.”
In the entry gallery to New Acquisitions for a New Century, the USC students worked with OCMA’s Public Programs Manager Kelly Bishop to create Feedback, a series of different media and methods for visitors to comments on the exhibition. The four feedback areas included Write Now for hand-written comments, Face to Face for video recordings, and Playback, for audiotape recordings. Additionally, there was a computer with access to a Feedback blog for further commentary and all comments were included in the gallery and/or on the OCMA website.